Bloom’s work in Buffelsrivier is made possible by the shared vision of its core partners.



Protea Valley Church (PVC) is a Christian church based outside of Cape Town, in South Africa’s Western Province. Part of PVC’s mission is to “go into the world to bring hope and healing and to call the lost to come home to Christ”.

PVC is Julie and Neal’s home church in South Africa. With open arms, PVC challenges people from every walk of life to think deeply about the moral foundations on which they live. PVC is unwavering on biblical principles and Christ as the source of our salvation, and strongly believes that churches exist for believers and non-believers alike.

Neal and Julie are extremely fortunate and thankful to serve as missionaries with PVC as their official sending church. 



LifeXchange is a non-profit organization based in South Africa that uses a one-on-one mentorship process to “ignite within individuals the belief that they can become something greater than they imagined”.

LifeXchange started the outreach in Buffelsrivier in 2015. Ever since, they have continued building relationships with members of the community and building a network of organizations and individuals passionate about helping the people of Buffelsrivier.

Neal and Julie will take the lead in coordinating and expanding the support network, as well as working with community members to help them achieve their full potential and develop community driven initiatives.



Jairah Funds is a charity based in Scotland with projects in various countries abroad. They provide relief to people in need due to age, ill health, natural disaster, financial hardship or other disadvantage in countries/areas around the world.

Jairah Funds has had a relationship with Bloom’s founders for over 10 years, and is an invaluable strategic partner.



Fisantekraal Centre for Development is a non-profit organization based in South Africa that uses skills development courses to “restore dignity and build self-esteem and self-confidence”. Founded by PVC, Fisantekraal takes a holistic approach that includes life skills training, business skills training, and spiritual development in all courses. Programmes are open to anyone who is unemployed, irrespective of race, gender or religious background.